support the ais cancer center

Donor Recognition

Our community answers the call for vital cancer funding

It's been said that many hands make light work. At the AIS Cancer Center, we couldn't agree more—especially when it comes to funding.

As a not-for-profit, faith-based medical facility, we rely on generous donations from our community—and our community is truly remarkable. Below are just a few examples of the generous, and sustaining, support we've received from people just like you.

A cornerstone investment in Kern County cancer care

In 2011, the AIS Cancer Center was little more than a vision. We knew Kern County needed a dedicated, state-of-the-art, one-stop-shop for oncology. We also knew 1 in 5 Kern County residents with cancer left the area for care. We started a capital campaign, and in 2012, a Bakersfield company gave an amazing gift.

Advanced Industrial Services (AIS) is an industrial tank-cleaning company. This company has clients all across the country, but it started in a Bakersfield garage. AIS’ founders never forgot their local roots, and as a result, the AIS company culture includes support for community projects.

In addition, AIS employees, like many Bakersfield residents, have been personally touched by cancer. They've watched relatives and friends struggle with the disease, and they've never forgotten the experience.

When the AIS team heard about AH Bakersfield’s plans for a cancer center, they wanted to help. They wanted to make a meaningful contribution to cancer care in our community—and they made it happen.

AIS made a gift of $2 million to support cancer care in our community. This cornerstone gift made the cancer center possible, and the facility was named the AIS Cancer Center in gratitude for that generosity.

Continuing support for cancer care

While the AIS donation was of vital importance, we continue to rely on donations, large and small, to help us deliver comprehensive Kern County cancer care. When asked why they support cancer care, here's what our donors say:

"Like so many other people, cancer has impacted our family and friends. We know how difficult it can be to wage a war against such a devastating disease, especially when travel to another city is involved. This is why we were honored to help bring the AIS Cancer Center to this great community. We feel strongly that the people here deserve this level of cancer care close to home. Supporting this cause was not only a good fit for our family, it was the perfect fit." —Brad and Elizabeth Peters

"Too many of us here have been affected by cancer and, in some way, we are trying to do our part to help (meet) this growing need." —Robert Rice, Advanced Industrial Services

Be a part of our success

We are so grateful for the continued support from our community. We just couldn't do this without you.

Your gift will help us further programs and services to help people with cancer. For more information, call the ÍøÆØÃÅʼþ Health Bakersfield Foundation at (661) 323-4673 or email sjchfoundation@ah.org.