

Living in Hawai鈥榠

If you are thinking about working for 网曝门事件 Health Castle (AHCS), but you currently live outside of Hawai鈥榠, then you should know that Hawai鈥榠 is a place like no other. Here are some things you might want to consider about living here:

Perfect Climate

Hawai鈥榠鈥攁nd Kailua in particular鈥攈as a climate that for many people is as close to perfect as anywhere on Earth. In September, which is the warmest month of the year, Kailua has an average high of 85掳F., and in January, the coldest month of the year, its average high is 77掳F. The temperature rarely reaches 90掳F.; indeed, the warmest temperature ever recorded in Kailua is only 94掳F. But when it does get a bit hot, all of O鈥榓hu, and especially the Windward side, is blessed with gentle trade winds.

A Crowded Island, but with Empty Space

The state of Hawai鈥榠 has a population of about 1.3 million, about 70% of which lives on the island of O鈥榓hu. This means that O鈥榓hu, with an area of only 600 square miles, is quite crowded. But if you are used to land use patterns typical to metropolitan areas on the Mainland, O鈥榓hu might surprise you. Much of the island is preservation land, permanently off-limits to any kind of building or development. This means that you can actually live in a high-rise apartment in Honolulu and yet be just a five-minute drive from taking a hike on a mountain through a dense grove of bamboo.

Wherever you are on the island, you can look up at green mountains. When you stand on the Windward side and look up at what is known as the Ko鈥榦lau Range, you are actually viewing the inside rim of an enormous ancient caldera that has been eroded into spectacular corrugated cliffs.

Everywhere in the state outside of military bases, the beach is public property and, by law, is free for everyone to enjoy.

A Rainbow of People

In Hawai鈥榠, no ethnic group forms a majority. People may have European, Japanese, Hawaiian, Filipino, Chinese, and S膩moan ancestry, to name just a few groups. What makes Hawai鈥榠 even more distinctive is that you can find people living here whose ancestry combines all of the above. It is not strange in Hawai鈥榠 to meet someone with a Polish surname who speaks Japanese, or a Hawaiian attending a synagogue.

The city of Honolulu has a constant schedule of festivals, parades, and performances devoted to the cultures of its residents. If you eat nothing but steak and potatoes, you can still live here just fine; but if you have a more adventurous palate, you will delight in the array of cuisines to be found here.

It鈥檚 a Healthy Place to Live

Out of the fifty states in the nation, Hawai鈥榠 ranks number one for life expectancy. Factors that may contribute to this pleasant statistic are the marvelously clean air, the healthier diets influenced by the large population of Asian ancestry, and the endless opportunities for outdoor recreation.

When you look outside your window and it鈥檚 80掳 with blue skies, and you can choose between heading for the mountains or the beach, how can you not get out and enjoy yourself?

Vibrant Arts Community

With a population of less than a million, Honolulu can never be a New York City, of course, but you may be surprised at how much goes on here. Any weekend will have far more concerts, plays, films, dance performances, and art exhibits on the schedule than you could ever hope to partake of. The city is home to the Hawai鈥榠 Symphony Orchestra, the Hawai鈥榠 Opera Theatre, and three fine art museums: the Honolulu Museum of Art, the Hawai鈥榠 State Art Museum, and The Contemporary Museum. Each fall, the city hosts one of the biggest film festivals in the country, with a special focus on Asian cinema. There are several top-notch repertory theater companies in the city, with full production seasons.

None of this, though, makes mention of the fact that there is no place in the United States where you can better experience the arts and culture of the Hawaiian people than Hawai鈥榠. The last forty years has seen a renaissance in interest in Hawaiian language, music, dance, literature, and sports. International hula competitions attract hula h膩lau (troupes) from all over the state, the Mainland, Japan, and Europe.

Better than just being a witness, though, join a hula h膩lau yourself, take a course in the Hawaiian language, take up outrigger canoeing, and learn to play鈥攐r even make鈥攁 鈥榰kulele.

So Hawai鈥榠 Is Paradise, Right?

Well, there is a downside. Precisely because Hawai鈥榠 is such a desirable place to live, it is an expensive place to live. Unless you are from San Francisco or Manhattan, you will find houses expensive here. If you are from a city with modestly priced homes, such as Cleveland or Houston, expect a house here to be four or more times as expensive as it would be back home.

Rents are quite high, too. Food items can cost 50% more than on the Mainland, especially if you shop in the supermarkets. And gasoline is often the costliest in the nation.

On the other hand, you鈥檒l spend zero on heating your house, absolutely nothing for overcoats, and if you鈥檙e akamai (savvy), you鈥檒l get good bargains on locally grown produce at farmers鈥 markets and in Honolulu鈥檚 Chinatown.