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Table Style 1`uSheet4Sheet1Sheet2Sheet34 V  1,5 Anhydroglucitol (GlycoMark)Fld Chest/Pleural5.0 mlSterile Specimen Cup11 Deoxycortisol QntBlood3.5 mlSSTGold$17 Hydroxycorticosteriods Urine 24HrUrine24 hour collection Urine Jug17 Hydroxypregnenolone Level17 Hydroxyprogesterone Level17 Ketosteroids Urine 24Hr5' Nucleotidase$5Hydroxyindoleacetic Acid Urine 24Hr4.0 mlK2 EDTALavenderA1C Hemoglobin by HPLC ABO/Rh Type7.0 mLPinkABO/Rh Type Newborn/Cord0.5 mLK2 EDTA / Cord BloodLavender Micro Tube!ACE Angiotensin Converting EnzymeAcetaminophen Level%Acetylcholine Receptor Antibody Panel!Acetylcholine Receptor Binding Ab"Acetylcholine Receptor Blocking Ab$Acetylcholine Receptor Modulating AbAcetylcholinesterase Amnio Fld Amniotic1.0 mlAmniotic fluid containerSendout to Mayo ClinicAcid Hemolysin (Ham Test) Endocervical Micro SpecAcid Phosphatase ProstaticAcid Phosphatase Total No Additive Plain Red ACTH Adrenocorticotropic Hormone"Activated Protein C Resistance APCBF TubeAcylcarnitine Quant ProfileGrayADAMTS13 Activity2.7 mlSodium CitrateBlueAdenovirus Antibodies IgG+IgMAdenovirus Antibody IgGAdenovirus Antibody IgMADH Antidiuretic Hormone$AFP Alpha Fetoprotein Amnio wAChE IF ARUP tube'AFP Alpha Fetoprotein Prenatal Maternal"AFP Alpha Fetoprotein Tumor Marker"AFP/hCG/Estriol/Inhibin A Maternal Albumin LevelAlbumin Level Body Fluid Body FluidAldolase LevelAldosterone LevelAldosterone Level Urine 24Hr Aldosterone/Renin Activity Ratio$Allergen Alternaria alternata/tenuisAllergen Alternaria tenuis IgGAllergen Animal Dog DanderAllergen Animal Feather MixAllergen Aspergillus fumigatus"Allergen Aspergillus fumigatus IgG(Allergen Epidermals & Animal Prot, Cat DAllergen Food AlmondAllergen Food BananaAllergen Food BarleyAllergen Food Beef!Allergen Food Bell Pepper/PaprikaAllergen Food CabbageAllergen Food CarrotAllergen Food CashewAllergen Food ChickenAllergen Food ChocolateAllergen Food CinnamonAllergen Food ClamAllergen Food Codfish/WhitefishAllergen Food CornAllergen Food CrabAllergen Food Egg WhiteAllergen Food Egg WholeAllergen Food Egg YolkAllergen Food GingerAllergen Food Grape Allergen Food Hazelnut (Filbert)Allergen Food KiwiAllergen Food LettuceAllergen Food LobsterAllergen Food Milk (Cow)Allergen Food Navy BeanAllergen Food OatAllergen Food OrangeAllergen Food PeanutAllergen Food PecanAllergen Food PorkAllergen Food PotatoAllergen Food RiceAllergen Food RyeAllergen Food SalmonAllergen Food ScallopAllergen Food ShrimpAllergen Food SoybeanAllergen Food SquidAllergen Food StrawberryAllergen Food TomatoAllergen Food TunaAllergen Food WalnutAllergen Food Wheat Allergen Fungi/Mold Hormodendrum'Allergen Fungi/Mold Penicillium notatumAllergen Grasses AlfalfaAllergen Grasses Bermuda#Allergen Grasses June/Kentucky BlueAllergen Grasses Meadow Fescue"Allergen Grasses Orchard/CocksfootAllergen Grasses Perennial RyeAllergen Grasses TimothyAllergen House Dust Stier"Allergen Insect Cockroach AmericanAllergen Mites D farinaeAllergen Mites D pteronyssinus'Allergen Mites Lepidoglyphus destructorAllergen Occupational LatexAllergen Parasite AscarisAllergen Trees CottonwoodAllergen Trees ElmAllergen Trees Mountain CedarAllergen Trees OakAllergen Trees OliveAllergen Trees WalnutAllergen Trees White MulberryAllergen Weed English PlantainAllergen Weed PigweedAllergen Weed Russian Thistle Allergen Weed Sagebrush/WormwoodAllergen Weed Sheep SorrelAllergen Weed Western Ragweed$Allergens Profile Dog/Cat EpitheliumAllergens Profile Dust/Mite#Allergens Profile Food Common Adult&Allergens Profile Food Comprehensive 1'Allergens Profile Inh California Pollen&Allergens Profile Inh Southwest Extend'Allergens Profile Inh/Fd Comprehensive1#Allergens Profile Inh/Fd Pacific NW"Allergens Profile Inh/Fd Pediatric Allergens Profile Inh/Fd WesternAllergens URD Reg13%Allergens URD Reg14 Central CA ValleyAllergens URD Reg17 Cascade PNWALP Alkaline PhosphataseALP Alkaline Phos Bone SpecificALP Alkaline Phos IsoenzymesAlpha 1 AntitrypsinAlpha 1 Antitrypsin PhenotypeAlpha 2 Antiplasmin ActivityAlpha 2 MacroglobulinAlpha-1-Microglobulin, UrineALT Alanine AminotransferaseAluminum Level6.0 mlRoyal Blue K2EDTA Royal BlueAmikacin Level PeakAmikacin Level RandomAmikacin Level TroughAmino Acids Qnt CSFAmino Acids Qnt Plasma3.0 mlLithium Heparin Mint GreenAmino Acids Qnt Urine RandomAminolevulinic Acid Urine 24HrAmiodarone Level w Metabolite#Amitriptyline Level w NortriptylineAmmonia Level Plasma"On ice, deliver immediately to labAmobarbital Level,Amphet/Meth wMetab Urine Confirm/Qnt* Random10.0 ml"Amphetamine+Methamphetamine LevelsAmphetamines Meconium Confirm Meconium All meconium`All meconium (blackish material) excreted until milk/formula based stool (yellow-green) appears.Amylase Isoenzymes Amylase LevelAmylase Level Body FluidAmylase Level Urine 12Hr12 hour collectionAmylase Level Urine 24HrAmylase Level Urine Random Urine CupANA AntiNuclear AntibodyANA Antibody Titer*ANA Antibody Titer**#ANA AntiNuclear Ab w Rflx dsDNA+ENA ANCA Neutrophil Cytoplas Ab IgG#ANCA Neutrophil Cytoplas Ab w RflxANCA MPO + PR3 Antibodies!ANCA MPO Myeloperoxidase Antibody#ANCA PR3 Serine Protease 3 AntibodyAndrostenedione Level"Angiotensin Converting Enzyme, CSFCSF2.0 mlCSF Tube Antibody IDAntibody Screen 3 CellAntibody TiterAntifungal Lvl 5 FluorocytosineAntimony Level Whole BloodDiet, medication, and nutritional supplements may introduce interfering substances. Patient should be encouraged to discontinue nutritional supplements, vitamins, minerals, and non-essential over-the-counter medications (upon the advice of their physician).AntiNeutrophil AntibodyAntithrombin Antigen (III)!Antithrombin Level (III) ActivityAntithrombin Panel (AT3+AT3 Ag)Apolipoprotein B/A RatioApolipoprotein A-1Apolipoprotein BArsenic Level Urine 24HrArsenic Level Whole Blood Royal BlueBPatient Prep: Diet, medication, and nutritional supplements may introduce interfering substances. Patient should be encouraged to discontinue nutritional supplements, vitamins, minerals, and non-essential over-the-counter medications (upon the advice of their physician) and avoid shellfish and seafood for 48 to 72 hours.Arsenic Urine FractionatedASO AntiStreptolysinO AntibodyAspergillus Antibodies CF+IDAspergillus Antibody CFAspergillus Antibody ID!Aspergillus Galactomannan AntigenAST Aspartate AminotransferaseB Type Natriuretic Peptide BNP"Babesia microti Antibodies IgG+IgMBarbiturates Panel BloodBarbiturates Meconium ConfirmiCollect: All meconium (blackish material) excreted until milk/formula based stool (yellow-green) appears.Barbiturates Urine Confirm/Qnt*Bartonella Antibodies IgG+IgM Bartonella henselae Antibody IgG Bartonella henselae Antibody IgMBasic Metabolic Panel BMP!Basic Metabolic Panel BMP FastingBCell CD 20 Expression*#bcr/abl t(9;22) Quantitative RT-PCR Bone Marrow&Bence Jones Qnt Free K&L LC Urine 24Hr'Bence Jones Qnt Free Kappa LC Urine24Hr'Bence Jones Qual Free K&L LC Urine 24HrBenzodiazepine Meconium ConfirmBenzodiazepines Bld Confirm*"Benzodiazepines Urine Confirm/Qnt*Beta 2 Glycoprotein1 Ab PanelBeta 2 Glycoprotein1 Ab IgABeta 2 MicroglobulinBeta 2 Microglobulin CSFBeta 2 Microglobulin UrinetPatient Prep: Void the urinary bladder, then drink a large glass of water and collect a urine specimen within 1 hourBicarbonate Urine$Sterile Specimen Cup(tightly sealed)Bile Acids TotalBilirubin Total+DirectBilirubin DirectBilirubin Scan Amniotic FluidBilirubin TotalBilirubin Total Body Fluid RefBismuth Level Whole BloodBK Virus, Quantitative by PCR< Blastomyces Antibodies CF+IDBlastomyces Antibody CFBlastomyces Antibody IDBlood Gases Arterial - Lab/RTBlood ArterialHeparinBlood Gases Capillary - Lab/RTBlood Capillary"Blood Gases Cord Arterial - Lab/RTBlood Cord Arterial Blood Gases Cord Venous - Lab/RTBlood Cord Venous!Blood Gases Mixed Venous - Lab/RTBlood Mixed VenousBlood Gases Other - Lab/RTOther (Specify)#Blood Gases Pleural Fld pH - Lab/RTBlood Gases Venous - Lab/RT BloodVenousBordetella Antibodies IgA+IgG!Bordetella Antibodies IgA+IgG+IgMBordetella Antibodies IgG+IgMBordetella Antibody IgGBordetella pertussis DFASpecify1.0 gKCollect: Nasal aspirate or washing or nasopharyngeal swab. Bordetella pertussis PCRCollect: Respiratory specimens on rayon or Dacron swab, or direct respiratory specimen such as BAL, respiratory aspirate, or sputum. Specimen source is required.&Bordetella pertussis/parapertussis PCR Bromide Level%Brucella Total Antibody AgglutinationBUN Blood Urea NitrogenC Chlamydia TrachomatisSwabCollect: Cervical, eye, rectal, urethral swab, or peritoneal fluid. Also acceptable for newborns: Nasopharyngeal aspirate, swab or washing.C Peptide LevelC1 Esterase Inhibitor C1 Esterase Inhibitor FunctionalC1 Esterase Inhibitor PanelC1Q Binding Assay ComplementCA 125 Cancer Antigen OvarianCA 15-3 Cancer Antigen BreastCA 19-9 Cancer Antigen GI Tract%CA 27.29 Cancer Antigen Breast II/III Cadmium Level Patient Prep: Diet, medication, and nutritional supplements may introduce interfering substances. Patients should be encouraged to discontinue nutritional supplements, vitamins, minerals, non-essential over-the-counter medications (upon the advice of their physician).Cadmium Level Urine 24HrCaffeine LevelFFor Babies collect 2 Red pediatric tubes filled up to the shaded area.Calcitonin Level Calcium LevelCalcium Level IonizedCalcium Level Urine 12HrCalcium Level Urine 24Hr!Calcium Level Urine 24Hr ReferralCalcium Level Urine RandomCalculi/Stone AnalysisStool5.0 g$California Encephalitis Antibody IgGCalprotectin FecalCandida Antibodies IgA+IgG+IgMCandida Antibody IDCandida Antigen#Cannabinoids/THC Urine Confirm/Qnt*Cannabonoids Meconium Confirm All MeconiumCarbamazepine LevelCarbamazepine Level Free+TotalCarbidopa-Levodopa LevelCarbon Dioxide CO2 LevelCarboxyhemoglobin Whole BloodSodium Heparin Dark GreenwCollect: Green (sodium or lithium heparin). Do not collect by finger stick or heel stick. Collect Sunday-Thursday only."Cardiolipin Antibodies IgA+IgG+IgMCardiolipin Antibodies IgG+IgMCardiolipin Antibody IgACardiolipin Antibody IgGCardiolipin Antibody IgM Carisoprodol Level w MeprobamateCarnitine Level Free+TotalCarnitine Level FreeCarnitine Level TotalCarotene LevelCatecholamines Free Urine 24Hr"Catecholamines Plasma (Epi+Norepi)'Catecholamines Plasma (Epi+Norepi+Dopa)CBC w DifferentialCBC w Mandatory Manual Diff*CBC w/o DifferentialCEA Carcinoembryonic AntigenCeliac Disease Reflexive PanelCell Count w Diff Body FluidCell Count w Diff CSF%Cell Differential BAL/Bronch Wash FRHBALBronchial WashCentromere Antibody IgGCeruloplasmin Level%Chlamydia + Gonorrhea (Amplified Det)See " Special Handling"RCollect: Endocervical or vaginal swab, first catch urine, or male urethral swabs. (Chlamydia + Gonorrhea (APTIMA) on SurePUrethra(Chlamydia + Gonorrhea (APTIMA, Thin PreCervix!Chlamydia Antibody Panel IgG+IgMChlamydia Antibody Panel IgGChlamydia Antibody Panel IgMChlamydia pneumoniae PCR*oCollect: Respiratory specimen: Bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL), nasal wash, nasopharyngeal swab, or pleural fluid.%Chlamydia trachomatis (Amplified Det)SpecialSCollect: Endocervical or vaginal swab, first catch urine, or male urethral swabs . Chlamydia trachomatis DFA5Collect Eye, genital, nasopharyngeal, or rectal swab.Chloramphenicol Level$Chlordiazepoxide Level w NordiazepamChloride LevelChloride Level Body Fluid *1.0 mlChloride Level Urine 12HrChloride Level Urine 24HrChloride Level Urine RandomChlorpromazine LevelCholesterol Body FluidCholesterol TotalCholesterol VAP(TM)Cholinesterase RBC/Hb RatioCholinesterase TotalChromium LevelPatient Prep: Diet, medication, and nutritional supplements may introduce interfering substances. Patients should be encouraged to discontinue nutritional supplements, vitamins, minerals, and non-essential over-the-counter medications (upon the advice of their physician).Chromium Level Urine 24 HrChromogranin AChromosome Analysis-Bone Marrow"Chromosome Analysis-FISH MetaphaseChromosome Analysis-Fragile X Chromosome Analysis-Leukemic Bld"Chromosome Analysis-Peripheral Bld&Chromosome Analysis-Prod of ConceptionProduct-of-Conception RPMI solutionCitric Acid Level Urine 24HrCK Isoenzymes*CKMB Assay (MB+Index)$Clomipramine Level w NorclomipramineClonazepam LevelClozapine Level w NorclozapineCocaine Meconium Confirm All meconium %Cocaine Metabolite Urine Confirm/Qnt*Coccidioides Antibodies IgG+IgMCoccidioides Antibodies Panel!Coccidioides Antibodies Panel CSFCoccidioides AntibodyCoccidioides Antibody IDCoccidioides Antibody IgGCoccidioides Antibody IgMCoenzyme Q10 LevelComplement Activity TotalComplement Component 2Complement Component 3Complement Component 4Complement Components 3 & 4!Comprehensive Metabolic Panel CMP(Comprehensive Metabolic Panel CMP Fastin Copper LevelCopper Level Urine 24HrPatient Prep: Diet, medication, and nutritional supplements may introduce interfering substances. Patients should be encouraged to discontinue nutritional supplements, vitamins, minerals, and non-essential over-the-counter medications (upon the advice of their physician). High concentrations of iodine may interfere with elemental testing. Abstinence from iodine-containing medications or contrast agents for at least 1 month prior to collecting specimens for elemental testing is recommended.Cord Blood Hold Cortisol 0 Min-ACTH Stimulation Cortisol 30 Min-ACTH Stimulation Cortisol 60 Min-ACTH Stimulation!Cortisol Free Urine 24Hr ReferralCortisol Level RandomCortisol, Serum Free#Coxiella burnetii Ab IgG Phase I+IICoxsackie A9 Virus AntibodiesCoxsackie B Virus AntibodiesCreat/Hrs/Vol Ur Coll 12 Hours*Creat/Hrs/Vol Urine Collection*Creatine LevelCreatine Level Urine 24HrCreatinine ClearanceCreatinine LevelCreatinine Level Body FluidCreatinine Urine 12HrCreatinine Urine 24HrCreatinine Urine RandomCRP CReactive Protein'CRPhs CReactive Protein HighSensitivity$Cryoglobulin Qual w Qnt IF IndicatedCryoglobulin QualitativeNasopharyngealCryoprecipitate Order7 mLCryptococcus AntibodyCryptococcus Antigen Screen CSFCryptosporidium Exam DirectRectalCrystals Exam Body FluidCrystals Exam CSF Culture Bordetella pertussis RefCulture Clostridium difficile*Culture Cytomegalovirus CMVThroatCulture Herpes Simplex HSVBartholin Cyst EndometrialGenital (Specify)LipPenisProstateVaginalVesicleTissue (Specify)%Culture HSV Referral wRflx HSV TypingVulvaCulture Influenza A+B ReferralSputumCulture LegionellaAbscess (Specify)Bronchial Brush Endotracheal ET NeonatalSputum InducedTracheal AspirateCulture Leptospira50.0 mlCulture UreaplasmaBiopsy (Specify)Fld Abdom/PeritonealFld Cyst (Specify)Fld Joint/Synovial (Specify)Fld PericardialFluid (Specify)Semen Culture VirusBoneEye/ConjunctivaLesion Cyanide LevelCyclic AMP PlasmaCyclic AMP Urine Random/24Hr#Cyclic Citrullinated Peptide Ab IgGCyclosporine Level Cystatin C!Cystic Fibrosis 32 Mutation PanelCysticercosis Antibody IgGCysticercosis Antibody IgG CSFCystine Level Urine QntCytokeratin Antibodies"Cytomegalovirus Antibodies IgG+IgMCytomegalovirus Antibody IgGCytomegalovirus Antibody IgMCytomegalovir< us DNA Qnt PCRD Dimer QuantitativeDengue Fever Antibody IgG+IgMDengue Fever Antibody IgGDes gamma carboxy ProthrombinDesipramine LevelDHEA Dehydroepiandrosterone$DHEAS Dehydroepiandrosterone SulfateDiazepam Level w NordiazepamDifferential Pathology ReviewDigitoxin Level* Digoxin LevelDihydrotestosterone DHT Level#Diluted Russell Venom Time w ReflexDiphenhydramine LevelDirect Coombs AHG PolyDirect Coombs IgG (Baby)Disopyramide Level(DNA Double Stranded Ab IgG Reflx to dsDN(DNA ds (Crithidia luciliae) Ab, IgG TiteDNA Single Stranded Ab IgGDNase-B AntibodyDoxepin Level w NordoxepinDrug Screen Blood TherapeuticsDrug Screen Urine Panel 9 ARUPDrug Screen 5 MeconiumDrug Screen 7 MeconiumDrug Screen 9 MeconiumDrug Screen Amphet/Meth UrineDrug Screen Amphetamines UrineDrug Screen Barbiturates Urine!Drug Screen Benzodiazepines Urine!Drug Screen Cannabinoid/THC UrineDrug Screen Cocaine UrineDrug Screen Ethanol UrineDrug Screen LSD UrineDrug Screen MethadoneDrug Screen Methadone UrineDrug Screen Opiates UrineDrug Screen Phencyclidine UrineDrug Screen Urine Short 15!Drug Screen Urine with Ethanol 15$Drug Screen Urine without Ethanol 15"Drug Screen w Confirm Serum/PlasmaE coli Shiga-like Toxin StoolEchinococcus Antibody IgGEchovirus Antibodies!Ehrlichia chaffeensis Abs IgG+IgMElectrolytes (Na+K+Cl+CO2+AGap)Electrolytes StoolElectrolytes Urine (Na+K)ENA Antibodies PanelENA RNP Antibody!ENA Scleroderma (Scl-70) AntibodyENA Smith AntibodyENA SSA(Ro) AntibodyENA SSA+SSB AntibodiesENA SSB(La) AntibodyEncephalitis Panel, CSF w/Rflx Encephalitis Panel, Serum w/Rflx#Endomysial Antibody IgA wRflx TiterEndomysial Antibody, IgA Titer"Entamoeba histolytica Amebiasis AbEntamoeba histolytica AntigenEnterovirus RT-PCREosinophil Count TotalEosinophil Smear UrineEpidermal/Skin AntibodyEpstein Barr Antibody Panel IEpstein Barr Antibody Panel II$Epstein Barr Antibody Nuclear Ag IgG'Epstein Barr Antibody to Early D Ag IgGEpstein Barr Antibody VCA IgGEpstein Barr Antibody VCA IgMEpstein Barr EBV PCRErythrocyte Porphyrin WBfSpecimen Preparation: Protect from light within one hour of collection and during storage and shipmentErythropoietin LevelESR Estradiol Level Estriol LevelEstrogen Levels Fractionated Estrone Level%Estronex(TM) Urine 2/16OH EstroRatio*Patient Prep: Patient should fast for eight hours prior to morning urine collection. Restrict fluid intake to three 8 oz glasses or less for 24 hours. Make sure that no more than 8 oz is consumed after 8:00 PM the evening prior to collection. Empty bladder before going to bed. Collection is preferred on days 18-25 after the start of the menstrual cycle. Do not collect during menstruation. Timing is not important for post-menopausal women. Testing is not recommended during pregnancy.Ethanol Medical LevelEthanol Urine Confirm/Qnt*Ethosuximide LevelEthylene Glycol LevelFactor 10 Activity (X)*Factor 11 Activity (XI)*Factor 12 Activity (XII)*Factor 5 Activity (V)Factor 5 Leiden (V)Factor 7 Activity (VII)*Factor 8 Activity (VIII)Factor 9 Activity (IX)*Factor II Activity*Fat Fecal Qnt 24/48/72 HrFat Fecal Qnt 24HrFat Fecal Qnt 48HrFat Fecal Qnt 72HrFat Fecal QualitativeFat Stain Body FluidFatty Acids FreeFebrile Antibodies PanelFelbamate LevelFentanyl/Metab Urine Conf/Qnt*Ferritin LevelFetal Bleed Scrn SemiQnt*Fetal Fibronectin QualitativeFFN TubeFetal Lung Maturity Amnio by FPFibrin Monomers*Fibrin Split Products FSPFibrinogen LevelFlecainide Level Fluoxetine Level w NorfluoxetineFluphenazine LevelFlurazepam Level Folate LevelFolate RBC Level#Francisella tularensis Tularemia AbFresh Frozen Plasma OrderFructosamine LevelFructose SemenFSH Follicle Stim Hormone Level$FSH Follicle Stim Hormone Urine 24HrFSH Level + LH Level G6PD Gluc6Phos Dehydrogenase QntGabapentin Level$Ganglioside-Monosialic Acid Ab Panel Gastrin LevelGentamicin Level PeakGentamicin Level RandomGentamicin Level TroughGGT Gamma Glutamyl TransferaseGiardia Antibody BloodGiardia Specific Antigen Stool(Gliadin Peptide Antibodies IgA+IgG Deami'Gliadin Peptide Antibody IgA Deamidated'Gliadin Peptide Antibody IgG Deamidated%Glomerular Basemt Memb Ab IgA+IgG IFAGlomerular Basemt Memb Ab IgGGlomerular Basemt Memb Ab Panel'Glomerular Filtration Rate Est ReferralGlucagon LevelGlucose Level FastingGlucose Level RandomGlucose Level Body FluidGlucose Level CSFGlucose Level Postprandial 1HrGlucose Level Postprandial 2HrGlucose Level Urine Qnt 24HrGlucose Level Urine Qnt Random$Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase AntibodyGlutethimide LevelGTT Gestational Glucose 3HrGTT Glucose 1HrGTT Glucose 2HrGTT Glucose 3HrGTT Glucose 4HrGTT Glucose 5HrGTT Glucose 6HrH pylori Antibodies IgA+IgGH pylori Antibody IgGH pylori Antibody IgMH pylori Antigen StoolHaloperidol LevelHaptoglobin Level"HDL High Density Lipoprotein CholHeat Shock Protein 70 IgG WBHeavy Metals (3) BloodHeavy Metals (3) Urine 24HrHeavy Metals (4) Blood@Patient Prep: Diet, medication, and nutritional supplements may introduce interfering substances. Patients should be encouraged to discontinue nutritional supplements, vitamins, minerals, non-essential over-the-counter medications (upon the advice of their physician), and avoid shellfish and seafood for 48 to 72 hours.Heavy Metals (4) Urine 24Hr(Heavy Metals (6) Urine 24Hr Reflx to ArsHematocrit HctHematocrit Body FluidHemochromatosis Mutation PCRHemoglobin + Hematocrit"Hemoglobin + Hematocrit Body FluidHemoglobin Body FluidHemoglobin Evaluation Panel Hemoglobin HbHemoglobin PlasmaHemoglobin S EvaluationHemosiderin Stain UrineHeparin Anti-Xa/LMW HeparinHeparin Associated Ab DetectionHepatic Function PanelHepatitis A Antibodies Total Hepatitis A Antibodies Total+IgMHepatitis A Antibody IgMHepatitis Acute Panel!Hepatitis B Core Antibodies Total&Hepatitis B DNA Ultrasensitive Qnt PCRHepatitis B Panel%Hepatitis B Panel Chronic w Rflx Conf"Hepatitis B Surface Antibody Qual Hepatitis B Surface Antibody QntHepatitis B Surface Antigen$Hepatitis B Surface Antigen Confirm*%Hepatitis B Surface Antigen w ConfirmHepatitis Be AntibodyHepatitis Be AntigenHepatitis C Antibody by CIA&Hepatitis C Antibody RIBA Supplemental Hepatitis C Antibody w Rflx RIBAHepatitis C RNA GenotypeHepatitis C RNA Qnt PCR#Hepatitis C RNA Qnt PCR w Rflx Geno#Hepatitis C RNA Qnt PCR w Rflx QualHepatitis C RNA Qualitative PCR"Hepatitis C RNA SuperQuant(TM) PCRHepatitis Delta AntibodyHepatitis Delta Antibody IgMHepatitis Delta Antigen(Hepatocellular Carcinoma Tumor Marker Pa(Herpes Simplex 1&2 GlycoproteinG Ab IgG"Herpes Simplex 1 GlycoprotG Ab IgG&Herpes Simplex 1 GlycoprotG Ab IgG CSFHerpes Simplex 1&2 Ab IgG+IgM$Herpes Simplex 1&2 Ab IgG+IgM wRflxHerpes Simplex 1&2 Ab IgGHerpes Simplex 1&2 Ab IgM Herpes Simplex 1&2 Ab Immunoblot"Herpes Simplex 2 GlycoprotG Ab IgG&Herpes Simplex 2 GlycoprotG Ab IgG CSF$Herpes Simplex HSV DFA wRflx CultureSee "Special Handling"Herpes Simplex HSV PCRCollect: Lavender (EDTA), pink (K2EDTA), or serum separator tube. OR Amniotic fluid, bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL), CSF, ocular fluid, tissue, vesicle fluid. OR Endocervical specimen in ThinPrep Pap Test media.Herpes Simplex HSV Typing*Heterophile Ab Scrn w TiterHGH Human Growth Hormone LevelHistamine Level PlasmaHistamine Level Whole BloodHistone Antibody IgGHistoplasma Antibodies CFHistoplasma AntibodyHistoplasma Antigen UrineHIV1 Confirmation Western BlotHIV1 GenotypingHIV1 RNA Qnt PCRHIV1 RNA Qnt PCR bDNA HIV1 w Rflx Western Blot ConfirmHIV1&2 AntbodiesHIV1&2 Combined w Rflx ConfirmHLA B27 Antigen Typing$Hold Tube in Blood Bank (no testing)Homocysteine Level Total"On Ice, delive< r immediately to labHomocysteine Level Urine 24HrHPV DNA Probe HighRiskHPV DNA Probe HR Surepath(R)HPV DNA Probe HR ThinPrep(R)'HTLV I/II Antibodies w Rflx WB Confirm"HTLV I/II Antibodies Western Blot Hydroxybutyric Dehydrogenase HBDHydroxyproline Total Urine 24Hr$Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis Panel I%IBD Inflam Bowel Disease Diff ProfileIbuprofen LevelIGF Binding Protein-3IGF1 Insulin-Like Growth FactorImipramine Level w DesipramineImmune Complex Assay Raji Cell Immune Complex Panel (C1Q+Rajii)ImmunoCAP(R) Index* Immunofixation Electrophor Urine(Immunofixation Electrophoresis Qnt Blood&Immunofixation Electrophoresis Qnt Ref#Immunofixation Electrophoresis QualImmunoglobulin AImmunoglobulin DImmunoglobulin EImmunoglobulin GImmunoglobulin G CSFImmunoglobulin G Subclass 1-4Immunoglobulin G Subclass 1Immunoglobulin G Subclass 2Immunoglobulin G Subclass 3Immunoglobulin G Subclass 4Immunoglobulin MImmunoglobulin M CSFImmunoglobulins Qnt#Influenza A+B Antibodies IgG+IgMInfluenza A Antibody IgGInfluenza A Antibody IgMInfluenza B Antibody IgGInfluenza B Antibody IgMInfluenzaA+B DFA w Rflx Culture|Collect: Respiratory specimen: Bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL),nasopharyngeal aspirate, swab, or washing, or tracheal aspirate. Inhibin BInsecticide Exposure PanelInsulin AntibodyInsulin Level FastingInsulin Level Random"Intrinsic Factor Blocking AntibodyIodine Urine 24 Hr Iron LevelIron Binding Capacity Total Iron, Liver Liver Tissue 1.0 cm liver tissue7Collect: Liver tissue obtained with an 18 gauge needle.Islet Cell Antibody IgGIsotretinoin Level'JAK2 Gene, V617F Mutation, QuantitationJAK2 V617F MutationJo-1 Antibody IgG*(Kappa/Lambda Qnt Free Light Chains w/ RaKetones Screen Blood#Kidney Stone Risk Pnl II Urine 24Hr&L/S Lecithin/Sphingomyelin Ratio AmnioAmnioLactic Acid/LactateLactic Acid/Lactate CSFLactoferrin Stool by ELISA#Lamellar Body Counts Amniotic FluidLamotrigine LevelLD Lactate Dehydrogenase#LD Lactate Dehydrogenase Body FluidLD Lactate Dehydrogenase CSF#LD Lactate Dehydrogenase Isoenzymes LDL Low Density Lipo Chol DirectLDL SubclassesLead Industrial Exposure PanelRoyal Blue K2 EDTALead Level Capillary0.5 mlLead Level Urine 24HrLead Level Whole BloodLegionella Antibody Type 1 IgG*Legionella Antibody Type 1 IgM*!Legionella Antibody Types 1-6 IgG!Legionella Antibody Types 1-6 IgMLegionella Antigen UrineLegionella Pneumophila DFA4Collect: Pericardial fluid or respiratory specimens.Leptospira AntibodyLeucine Aminopeptidase LAP$Leukemia/Lymphoma Phenotype BMarrow*Leukemia/Lymphoma Phenotype WB*$Leukocyte Alkaline Phosphatase StainSpecimen Preparation: Protect from light and pack accordingly to avoid breakage. Transport 5 mL whole blood (Min: 1 mL) AND 6 unfixed, well-prepared smears (Min: 6 smears)Levetiracetam LevelLH Luteinizing Hormone LevelLidocaine LevelLipase Body Fluid Level Ref Lipase Level Lipid PanelLipoprotein (a)"Lipoprotein Assoc Phospholipase A2Lipoprotein Electrophoresis Lithium Level(Liver Kidney Microsome - 1 Antibody IgGLiver/Kidney Microsome AntibodyLoxapine LevelLupus Anticoagulant StudyLupus Comprehensive Rflx PanelLyme Antibodies Screen$Lyme Ab Scrn Acute wRflx IgG+IgM WB&Lyme Ab Scrn Chronic wRflx IgG+IgM WBLyme Ab IgG Western BlotLyme Ab IgM Western BlotLyme Abs IgG+IgM Western BlotLyme Antibodies Total CSFLysozyme LevelLysozyme Level Urine RandomMagnesium LevelMagnesium Level RBCMagnesium Level Urine 24HrMagnesium Level Urine RandomManganese Level Urine 24HrManganese Level Whole BloodPatient Prep: Diet, medication, and nutritional supplements may introduce interfering substances. Patient should be encouraged to discontinue nutritional supplements, vitamins, minerals, and non-essential over-the-counter medications (upon the advice of their physician).Meat Fiber Exam Stool&Meningoencephalomyelitis Pnl CSF wRflx#Meningoencephalomyelitis Pnl w RflxMephobarbital LevelMercury Level Urine 24HrCollect: 24-hour or random urine collection. Specimen must be collected in a plastic container. ARUP studies indicate that refrigeration of urine alone, during and after collection, preserves specimens adequately, if tested within 14 days of collection.Mercury Level WB%Metanephrines Fractionated Urine 24HrMetanephrines Free PlasmaMethadone Meconium ConfirmMeconiumMethadone Urine Confirm/Qnt*Methanol LevelMethemoglobin LevelMethotrexate LevelMethylmalonic Acid MMA Qnt!Methylmalonic Acid MMA Urine 24HrMicroalbumin Urine 24Hr Microalbumin Urine RandomMitochondrial M2 Antibody IgGMotor&Sensory Neuropathy Eval'Motor&Sensory Neuropathy Eval ComprehenMumps Virus Antibody IgGMumps Virus Antibody IgMMyasthenia Gravis Reflex PanelMycophenolic Acid Level Mycoplasma pneumonia Ab IgG+IgMMycoplasma pneumonia Ab IgGMycoplasma pneumonia Ab IgMMycoplasma pneumoniae PCRCollect: Respiratory specimen: Bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL), bronchial brushings, nasopharyngeal swab, sputum, tracheal aspirates or pleural fluid. OR CSF.(Myelin Associated Glycoprotein Antibody,Myelin Basic Protein CSF&Myocardial Antibody IgG w Reflex TiterMyoglobin LevelMyoglobin Level ReferralMyoglobin Level Urine Random N Telopeptide Cross Linked Blood%N Telopeptide Cross Linked Urine 24HrNatural Killer Cell ProfileNeuron Specific Enolase(Neuronal Abs (Hu, Ri, Yo, Amphiphysin) I"Neuronal Nucl Ab ANNA IgG (Hu, Ri)#Neuronal Nucl Ab ANNA IgG IFA wRflx Neuronal Nucl Ab ANNA IgG Titer*Neutrophil Oxidative Burst Nickel LevelNickel Level Urine 24HrNicotine Level w Metab Blood#Nicotine Level w Metab Urine RandomNMP22(R)Norovirus 1&2 RTPCR StoolNortriptyline Level Oligoclonal Band Profile CSF+Bld%Oligoclonal Band Profile wMBP CSF+Bld Blood + CSF3.5 ml blood + 2.0 ml CSFSST + CSF TubeOpiates Meconium ConfirmhCollect all meconium (blackish material) excreted until milk/formula based stool (yellow-green) appears.Opiates Urine Confirm/Qnt*Organic Acids PlasmaOrganic Acids Urine Qnt OsmolalityOsmolality StoolOsmolality Urine 24HrOsmolality Urine RandomOsteocalcin LevelOva & Parasites Exam RefOva & Parasites Exam ReferralOva and Parasite IdentificationOxalate Level Urine 24HrOxcarbazepine Level%Parainfluenza 1+2+3 Antibody IgG+IgMParathyroid Hormone Intact'Parathyroid Hormone Intact with Calcium*Parathyroid Hormone Intact without CalciumParietal Cell Antibody IgGPartial Thromboplastin Time PTT#Partial Thromboplastin Time PTT 1:1!Parvovirus B19 Antibodies IgG+IgMParvovirus B19 Antibody IgGParvovirus B19 Antibody IgMPerphenazine Level&PG Phosphatidylglycerol Amniotic Fluid pH Body FluidpH StoolpH UrinePhencyclidine Meconium Confirm Phencyclidine Urine Confirm/Qnt*Phenobarbital Level#Phenylalanine & Tyrosine Qnt PlasmaPhenylalanine Qnt PlasmaPhenytoin LevelPhenytoin Level Free + TotalPhospholipids AssayPhosphorus LevelPhosphorus Level Urine 24Hr Phosphorus Level Urine RandomPinworm Prep ReferralSlidePlasminogen LevelPlatelet Antibodies Indirect*%Platelet Associated Antibodies DirectPlatelet Count PLTPlateletpheresis OrderPneumocystis jiroveci DFAPNH Sucrose HemolysisPOC ACT Celite ISTAT PanelPOC CG8+ Arterial ISTAT PanelPOC CG8+ ISTAT PanelPOC CG8+ Venous ISTAT PanelPOC EC4+ ISTAT PanelPOC Glucose PanelPoliovirus Antibodies#Polychlorinated Biphenyls Level PCB!Porphobilinogen PBG Deaminase RBCPorphobilinogen Urine Qnt 24HrPorphyrins TotalPorphyrins Profile PlasmaPorphyrins StoolPorphyrins Urine Qnt 24Hr%Porphyrins+Porphobilinogen Urine 24HrPotassium LevelPotassium Level Body Fluid *Potassium Level Urine 12HrPotassium Level Urine 24HrPotassium Level Urine RandomPotassium StoolPrealbumin LevelPregnenolone LevelPrimidone Level w Pheno< barbitalproBrain Natriuretic Peptide NTProcainamide Level w NAPAProcalcitonin LevelProgesterone LevelProinsulin LevelProlactin LevelPropoxyphene Meconium ConfirmPropoxyphene Urine Confirm/Qnt*$Prostatic Specific Antigen Ultrasens&Prostatic Specific Antigen-Annual Scrn%Prostatic Specific Antigen-Dx&MonitorProstatic Specific Antigen-Free$Prostatic Specific Antigen-Free wTotProtein C & S Panel Functional!Protein C & S Panel Total AntigenProtein C FunctionalProtein C Total AntigenProtein ElectrophoresisProtein Electrophoresis CSF"Protein Electrophoresis Urine 24Hr$Protein Electrophoresis Urine RandomProtein S FunctionalProtein S Total Antigen Protein TotalProtein Total Body FluidProtein Total CSFProtein Total Urine 12HrProtein Total Urine 24HrProtein Total Urine RandomProthrombin (F2) G20210A PCRProthrombin Time 1:1Prothrombin Time PT w INRPyruvic Acid/Pyruvate QuantiFERON(r) - TB Gold In TubeQuantiferon tubes (ask Lab)Quinidine LevelReducing Substances StoolReducing Substances Urine (Lab)Renal Function PanelRenin Activity5Patient Prep: Supine: 1. Specimen should be obtained between 8 a.m. and 10 a.m. (after at least two hours in supine position); 2. Normal sodium diet (100-200 mEq/day) for at least three days; 3. Take no medications known to affect renin-aldosterone system. Upright: 1. Specimen should be obtained before noon (after at least two hours in upright position; seated or standing); 2. Normal sodium diet (100-200 mEq/day) for at least three days; 3. Take no medications known to affect renin-aldosterone system. Contact Medical Director if more information is needed. (Respiratory Syncytial Virus DFA ReferralSinusRespiratory Viruses DFA&Respiratory Viruses DFA w Rflx Culture%Reticulin Antibody IgA w Reflex TiterReticulin Antibody IgGReticulocyte Count"Reticulocytes, Cellular Hemoglobin Rh Type OnlyRheumatoid Factor RA Qnt*Risperidone LevelRistocetin Cofactor*Rocky Mtn Spotted Fever Abs IgG#Rocky Mtn Spotted Fever Abs IgG+IgM$Rotavirus+Adenovirus 40-41 Ags StoolRubella Antibodies IgG+IgMRubella Antibody IgGRubella Antibody IgMRubeola Antibodies IgG+IgMRubeola Antibody IgGRubeola Antibody IgMS cerevisiae Antibodies IgA+IgGSalicylate/ASA LevelSedimentation Rate WestergrenSelenium LevelSemen Analysis Complete(Semen Analysis Complete Auto (Kruger MetSerotonin LevelSerotonin Level Whole Blood!SHBG Sex Hormone Binding Globulin Silicon LevelSirolimus Level(Smooth Muscle (F-Actin) Antibody IgG w RSmooth Muscle Ab IgG Titer** Sodium LevelSodium Level Body Fluid RefSodium Level Urine 12HrSodium Level Urine 24HrSodium Level Urine Random Sodium StoolSoluble Transferrin ReceptorSomatostatin LevelSpecific Gravity Body FluidSpecific Gravity Urine Sperm Count Post Vasectomy"St Louis Encephalitis Antibody IgGStrep pneumoniae Antibodies IgGStrep pneumoniae Antigen CSFStrep pneumoniae Antigen Urine#Striated Muscle Ab IgG w Rflx Titer!Sulfonylurea Hypoglycemics, Serum!Sulfonylurea Hypoglycemics, Urine T3 Uptake T3 TotalT3 Free T3 Reverse T4 TotalT4 FreeTacrolimus LevelTCell Subsets 1 CD4 Absolute*$TCell Subsets 2 CD4 Percent+Absolute TCell Subsets 3 CD4+CD8 Absolute TCell Subsets 4 Percent+Absolute&TCell Subsets 5 Tot Lymph Enumeration*&TCell Subsets 6 Tot Lymph Enum Extend*Teichoic Acid AntibodiesTemazepam LevelTestosterone Total Testosterone Total Female/ChildTestosterone Free Adult MaleTestosterone Free Female/Child%Testosterone Free+Tot+SHBG Adult Male'Testosterone Free+Tot+SHBG Female/ChildThallium Level Whole BloodThallium Level Urine 24HrTheophylline LevelThiocyanate LevelThiothixene LevelThrombin Time TTThyroglobulin Antibody Thyroglobulin w Thyroglobulin Ab Thyroid Antibodies (TGB+TPO Abs)Thyroid Peroxidase Antibody TPO#Thyroid Stim Horm Receptor AntibodyThyroid Stim Immunoglobulin TSIThyroxine Binding Globulin TBGTiagabine (Gabitril(R))Tissue Transglutaminase Ab IgATissue Transglutaminase Ab IgGTobramycin Level PeakTobramycin Level RandomTobramycin Level TroughTopiramate LevelTorch Antibody Panel IgGTorch Antibody Panel IgM$Toxoplasma gondii Antibodies IgG+IgMToxoplasma gondii Antibody IgGToxoplasma gondii Antibody IgMTransferrin LevelTransferrin/IBCTransfusion Reaction Work Up30 mLK2 EDTA, No Additive2 Pink & 2 Plain RedTrazodone LevelTreponema Ab FTA-ABS IgGTreponema Ab MHA-TPTreponema Scrn RPR w Rflx TiterTreponema VDRL CSF w Rflx TiterTrichinella Antibody#Tricyclic Antidepressants Lvl TotalTriglycerides LevelTriglycerides Level Body Fluid Troponin I Troponin TTrypsin Like Immunoreactivity Trypsin StoolTryptase Level$TSH Thyroid Stim Horm 3rd GenerationTyphus Fever Antibodies IgG+IgMUrea Nitrogen Urine 12HrUrea Nitrogen Urine 24HrUrea Nitrogen Urine RandomUric Acid LevelUric Acid Level Urine 24HrUric Acid Level Urine RandomUrinalysis UAUrinalysis w C/S IF IndicatedUrinalysis Dipstick Only (Lab)Urinalysis Microscopic*Valproic Acid LevelVancomycin Level PeakVancomycin Level RandomVancomycin Level TroughVanillymandelic VMA Urine 24Hr#Varicella-Zoster Antibodies IgG+IgMVaricella-Zoster Antibody IgGVaricella-Zoster Antibody IgMVaricella-Zoster Virus by PCR%Vasoactive Intestinal Polypeptide VIPViscosity SerumViscosity Whole BloodVit D Level 25 HydroxyVitamin A LevelVitamin B1 Level PlasmaVitamin B1 Level Whole BloodVitamin B12 Binding CapacityVitamin B12 LevelVitamin B2 LevelVitamin B6 Level TotalVitamin C Level'Vitamin D Level 1,25 Dihydroxy (Active)Vitamin D2, D3 25 HydroxyVitamin E LevelVitamin K(1) Level No Additivesvon Willebrand Factor Antigen*von Willebrand Multimeric Panelvon Willebrand Panel*WBC White Blood Cell CountWest Nile Antibodies IgG+IgM West Nile Antibodies IgG+IgM CSFWest Nile Antibody IgGWest Nile Antibody IgG CSFWest Nile Antibody IgMWest Nile Antibody IgM CSF"Western Equine Encephalitis Ab IgG"Western Equine Encephalitis Ab IgMZinc Level Urine 24HrZinc Level Whole BloodZinc Level, SerumZinc Protoporph ZPP WB!Zinc Protoporph ZPP WB IndustrialZonisamide LevelColumn7Column8Column9Column10Column11Column12Column13Column14Column15Collect: Buccal mucosa lesion, cervical or genital lesion, eye, throat or vesicle swab, bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL), tissue or vesicle fluid. Unacceptable Conditions: Bone marrow, CSF, or whole blood. Calcium alginate, dry, or wood swabs. Collect: Buccal mucosa, eye, genital, rectal, throat or vesicle swab, or bronchoalveolar lavage, tissue or vesicle fluid. Unacceptable Conditions: Blood, CSF, plasma, or serum. Calcium alginate, dry, or wood swabs. Column16Column17Column18Column19Column20Column21Column22Column23Column24Column25Column26Column27Column28Column29Column30Column31Column32Column33Column34Column35Column36Column37Column38Column39Column40Column41Column42Column43Column44Column45Column46Column47Column48Column49Column50Column51Column52Column53Column54Column55Column56Column57Column58Column59Column60Column61Column62Column63Column64Column65Column66Column67Column68Column69Column70Column71Column72Column73Column74Column75Column76Column77Column78Column79Column80Column81Column82Column83Column84Column85Column86Column87Column88Column89Column90Column91Column92Column93Column94Column95Column96Column97Column98Column99 Column100 Column101 Column102 Column103 Column104 Column105 Column106 Column107 Column108 Column109 Column110 Column111 Column112 Column113 Column114 Column115 Column116 Column117 Column118 Column119 Column120<k Column121 Column122 Column123 Column124 Column125 Column126 Column127 Column128 Column129 Column130 Column131 Column132 Column133 Column134 Column135 Column136 Column137 Column138 Column139 Column140 Column141 Column142 Column143 Column144 Column145 Column146 Column147 Column148 Column149 Column150 Column151 Column152 Column153 Column154 Column155 Column156 Column157 Column158 Column159 Column160 Column161 Column162 Column163 Column164 Column165 Column166 Column167 Column168 Column169 Column170 Column171 Column172 Column173 Column174 Column175 Column176 Column177 Column178 Column179 Column180 Column181 Column182 Column183 Column184 Column185 Column186 Column187 Column188 Column189 Column190 Column191 Column192 Column193 Column194 Column195 Column196 Column197 Column198 Column199 Column200 Column201 Column202 Column203 Column204 Column205 Column206 Column207 Column208 Column209 Column210 Column211 Column212 Column213 Column214 Column215 Column216 Column217 Column218 Column219 Column220 Column221 Column222 Column223 Column224 Column225 Column226 Column227 Column228 Column229 Column230 Column231 Column232 Column233 Column234 Column235 Column236 Column237 Column238 Column239 Column240 Column241 Column242 Column243 Column244 Column245 Column246 Column247 Column248 Column249 Column250 Column251 Column252 Column253 Column254 Column255 Column256K2 EDTA / Cord Blood Keep On Ice; Inpatient setting%Keep On Ice; In or Outpatient setting$Keep On Ice;In or Outpatient settingRed*Sodium Fluoride/ Potassium Oxalate)Sodium Fluoride/ Potassium Oxalate+Sodium Fluoride / Potassium Oxalate GC N Gonorrhoeae (Amplified Det)Point -Of-Care Must be tested within 30 minutesUrea ClearanceSwab (add color of swab)Royal Blue (No Additive) Royal Blue 4Sodium Fluoride / Potassium OxalateSyringeSyringe or Green Top Test Name Specimen TypeVolume RequiredContainer Required Tube Color Miscellaneous InstructionshCG Serum Qualitative hCG Serum Quantitative Pregnancy#hCG Serum Quantitative Tumor MarkerhCG Urine QualitativeHeparin  T7 0849:D;\<W>?^@ B CE E FdjH"INJ^LMORHsT+oV'Ww,Y:[]x_`G wb c weg,i]:klRowqrWst_uWv]Dxy?P{|R6~O6 } *[Fe:'%Y[ȗn;]>p9 w U ݥ.Dz>$uز)okͶ4a͹.[E ] 7L)Cp^| 8.[j|>Pv$J\TfccB f2ɀ   dMbP?_*+%,&ffffff?'ffffff?(?)?",B333333?333333?n1&<3U>@ggD f2ɀ Qa)4@5KVaGmQx[ۍӗe+w]#(3k>uIT_Ojuu#E  dMbP?_*+%&ffffff?'ffffff?(?)?M\\gaiprint\Q15750008_KYCR3820 C odXXLetterDINU" l4@SMTJKyocera Mita FS-3820NInputBinOption1RESDLLUniresDLLOrientationPORTRAITJobRetentionOption1JobRetentionUserIDOption1GraphicsModeRASTERMODEResolutionOption1PaperSizeLETTEREcoPrintOption1PrintQualityOption2CollateOFFJobStorageNoneMailboxMBox1ImageControlOption1PrintDensityOption2OutputBinOption1ManagementCodeOption1HalftoneHT_PATSIZE_AUTODuplexNONE"dXX333333?333333?&<3U} #A} $A} D} A} A} I8B}  A} b A} c AJ      J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J  J  J  J  J  !J "J #J $J %J &J 'J (J )J *J +J ,J -J .J /J 0J 1J 2J 3J  4J! 5J" 6J# 7J$ 8J% 9J& :J' ;J( <J) =J* >J+ ?J, @J- AJ. 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