services and treatments

Sports Medicine


The award-winning Sports Medicine Program at ÍøÆØÃÅʼþ Health Glendale (AHGL) helps patients recover and get back into the game as quickly as possible. As experienced athletes, the AHGL sports medicine doctors understand the medical needs of patients and their desire to regain strength, endurance and range-of-motion following surgery and/or rehabilitation. It is our priority at AHGL to help patients recover, regain function and win the game!

Comprehensive Services for a Variety of Needs

Orthopedic physicians, with certification in sports medicine, are available to evaluate injuries and prescribe a plan of action for all ages -- ranging from young adults to seniors. Our physicians and physical therapists are also available for emergency evaluations, consultations and second opinions.

The Sports Medicine Program helps patients with injuries and conditions listed below. We also offer fitness training, conditioning programs and patient education services.

  • Knee pain - including cartilage lesions; tears of the ACL, meniscus, ligament and tendons.
  • Hip and pelvic pain - including labrum tears and hip impingement.
  • Shoulder pain – throwing injuries; rotator cuff tears and tendonitis; shoulder instability and dislocations; biceps tendon tears/tendonitis; labrum tearing; AC joint sprains/separations and arthritis.
  • Ankle pain- including Achilles tendon tears/tendonitis and ankle fractures.
  • Elbow pain - including distal biceps injuries, tennis elbow, golfer’s elbow, throwing injuries, cubital tunnel.
  • Fracture care.
  • Repetitive motion and overuse injuries.
  • Muscle strain.
  • And much more…

In addition, we offer fitness training, conditioning programs and patient education services.

Meet our providers