
rehabilitation services

About Your Visit

Because we know your time is valuable, we do everything we can to begin your appointments at their scheduled time. Below are instructions about how to prepare for your visit and make your trip as pleasant as possible.

Information about your initial visit:

  • Arrive 15 minutes prior to your appointment to complete paperwork.
  • Bring your insurance card. to your first appointment.
  • Expect the first appointment to last about one hour.
  • Subsequent appointments vary from 30 to 60 minutes.
  • Please wear comfortable clothing (T-shirt, shorts or sweats) and exercise shoes.

Payment procedures

It is our policy to bill your insurance for your visits. You are, however, responsible for paying any portion not covered by your insurance policy.

For copays we accept:

  • Cash
  • Check
  • Visa/Master Card/American Express/Discover

If you have questions regarding billing issues, please call our patient financial services at (559) 537-2090.

Do your paperwork at home

Filling out medical forms can be time-consuming. By having your paperwork completed at home, you can preserve the time of your appointment for more productive activities.

Please download, print and complete the appropriate forms below:

You also have the option of filling your forms out in the clinic too, but please show up 15 minutes prior to your appointment so your appointment can begin on time.