GI (gastrointestinal) cancers include:

  • Anal cancer
  • Colorectal cancer
  • Esophageal cancer
  • Stomach cancer
  • Along with other less common GI cancers

Prevention and early detection: What you can do

  • Get a colonoscopy, starting at age 50 — both men and women — and follow the colonoscopy schedule recommended by your gastroenterologist. If you’re under 50 but have a family history or genetic predisposition for colorectal cancer, talk with a gastroenterologist now to learn when you should have your first colonoscopy.
  • Speak with your primary care physician or a gastroenterologist about home test kits for colorectal cancer (such as Cologuard) to see if this option is right for you.

Treatment: What we can do for you

  • Our GI physician specialists have the expertise and experience to handle care for the full range of GI cancers, working with a multidisciplinary group of physicians, including medical oncologists, cancer surgeons, radiation oncologists and others.
  • Our concierge approach to care means that we’ll anticipate your needs as a GI cancer patient. For example, we’ll connect you with a dietitian, who will answer your questions about the proper foods to eat during and after your treatment. Help you adjust your diet while keeping foods you like and assist you in planning ahead to avoid food-related side-effects from your treatment.

Survivorship: What we can do together

  • Our skilled and experienced team of nurses will coach and guide you in any lifestyle changes that may be necessary because of your cancer surgery or treatment. For example, if an ostomy is part of your treatment pathway, we’ll make sure you understand how to use it properly and give you tips on how to make it adapt to it as part of your lifestyle.
  • We’ll also make sure you have plenty of support for nutrition, diet, and digestion, ensuring that you can live a healthy and active lifestyle after your treatment is completed.