
Father’s Day “dadvice” for new dads

Jun 15, 2020


Being a new parent can be exciting, exhausting, joyful and overwhelming all at the same time. As a new dad, what can you do to strengthen your bond with your little one? For starters, has shown that simply changing your baby’s diaper is one of the best ways to increase your connection with your child as well as strengthen your relationship with your partner. Read on for more pieces of Father’s Day “dadvice” for new parents.

Time is the top factor

Getting to know your baby takes time. And the most important thing you can do for your family right now is simply to spend time with them. As much as possible, make sure this includes dedicated time, where you are not trying to multitask.

Feeling confident as a new dad takes some trial and error. Be patient with yourself, your partner and your baby. Allow time for learning and experience. Allow time to establish and nurture family bonds. Allow for mistakes and view these hiccups as opportunities to grow closer together.

Feeding is a family event

Supporting a new mom is a critical part of being a new dad. Especially during the first few months of life, a baby is completely dependent on their parents for food, whether that’s breastfeeding or bottle feeding.

If your family is breastfeeding, think of ways you can support your partner with troubleshooting, research or even just bringing an extra pillow or glass of water. When babies are bottle feeding, new dads can pull their weight by getting up for nighttime feedings. Make sure you keep lights dim, speak and move softly, and burp the baby before setting them down for sleep.

Prioritize playtime

One-on-one bonding is an important part of being a new dad. Often, scheduling your own playtime with your baby brings benefits for mom, too. Give her the opportunity to spend time with her friends or participate in her own self-care routines without worrying about caregiving.

Even though your baby won’t be carrying on a conversation for these first few months, still take this playtime as a time to talk or read to them. Simply naming colors, objects, smells or doing funny voices can help you feel more connected and increase learning skills from the earliest age.

Keep your promises

Because of paternity leave limits, new dads often have to jump back into the normal work routine sooner than new moms. As you navigate juggling parenthood and work, take the extra steps to be a dependable partner.

If you promise to be home by 6:30 p.m., stick to your timeline or communicate any changes to your partner. If you have a specific chore on your to-do list, set yourself a reminder to complete it. As your child grows, keeping your promises to them is a crucial part of becoming a strong father figure. Keep your word as much as possible—not only does this increase your family bonds now, but it also ensures that you are modeling positive qualities to your child.