pregnancy care

Postpartum Care

Your needs don’t end when your pregnancy does

Birth is the start of a new journey for you, your baby and your body. Our care doesn’t end just because your pregnancy does.

In fact, the first few months after birth are so important, many people call this time the fourth trimester. Here are ways we can help you have a successful entry into this phase of motherhood

Routine follow-up visits

It’s important to come see your doctor or nurse-midwife for your scheduled postpartum visits. You and your provider can discuss any questions or concerns you have. Your provider will also check if you are:

  • Healing well from giving birth.
  • Experiencing signs of infection or other complications.
  • Needing help with breastfeeding or experiencing any breast problems.
  • Struggling with postpartum depression or anxiety.
  • Recovering from any pregnancy-induced issues like high blood pressure or diabetes.

Be sure to be honest about all your postpartum symptoms and concerns. Your doctor can help you find answers and even refer you to additional care like specialty rehab when needed.

Health care for your mind

Your entire body — including your mind — is going through a lot of changes right now. That includes adjusting to your baby’s sleep schedule. Your hormones are changing too as you leave pregnancy and begin breastfeeding.

It’s normal to feel some stress and even a little blue after birth. Sometimes those feelings become difficult to manage and overwhelming. Your doctor can help. Give us a call — you don’t have to suffer alone.

A plan for your family

During your postpartum visits, you and your doctor can discuss family planning. If you’re looking forward to having another child soon, your doctor can suggest when your body will be prepared for another pregnancy. You can also talk about ways to prevent pregnancy, including safe options while you’re breastfeeding.

Ongoing breastfeeding support

You don't have to wait until your postpartum visit to access lactation consultation services in our clinics. We provide ongoing breastfeeding support through a board-certified lactation consultant taking appointments in both Portland and Clackamas.

How to reach us

When you have questions or concerns, just call us at (503) 261-4423. You don’t have to wait for a follow-up visit — we want to help!