
trauma tips

Motor Vehicle Accidents

More people have died in motor vehicle accidents in the U.S. than have died in all the wars we've fought.

We can win this battle by ensuring that our vehicles are safe, and that we operate them responsibly.

  • Keep your vehicle -- tire pressure, brakes, fluid levels, lights -- in proper working order.
  • If your vision changes, get your eyes checked. You must be able to see clearly in all lighting and visibility conditions.
  • As you age, brush up on your skills. AARP and AAA offer free mature driver courses.
  • Wear your seat belt, properly secured.
  • Make sure every passenger, including pets, are likewise buckled up for safety.
  • Use rear-facing car seats in the backseat for small children. If you cannot afford one, ask your County Health and Human Services about obtaining one for free.
  • Don't drink and drive. You knew that one already, right?
  • Don't drive under the influence of drugs, whether street or even many prescriptive ones.
  • If your doctor, pharmacist or the label itself tells you "don't operate heavy machinery", that would include all motor vehicles!
  • Don't drive drowsy. A strong cuppa joe or an energy drink is not enough. Pull over into a safe area, lock your doors and take a nap.
  • Don't drive distracted or use your hands for making phone calls or sending texts. In fact, use your hands only for steering and operating your vehicle.
  • Don't drive angry. Aggressive driving causes accidents.
  • Don't speed. Limits and laws are designed to protect you and your loved ones.
  • Do drive defensively. Signal. Slow down in bad weather. Watch for oncoming traffic.
  • If you have car trouble, get as far off the road as you can, and put your flashers on. Do not try to cross or walk along a busy highway.

For more trauma tips, click here.

For more information about Rideout's Trauma services, click here.

Remember, if you or another has been injured, dial 911 immediately!