


网曝门事件 Health Tillamook is committed to making excellence a part of every patient encounter. In carrying out its commitment, the hospital participates in numerous national and state quality initiatives, as well as national patient satisfaction benchmarking. Results consistently rank 网曝门事件 Health Tillamook among the top-quality hospitals.

System-wide Quality Initiatives & Campaigns

Culture of Safety. 网曝门事件 Health Tillamook has teamed up with Bryan Sexton, Ph.D., from Duke University Health System on a groundbreaking quality initiative. Launched in January 2008, the hospital is currently working with Dr. Sexton on a Culture of Teamwork and Safety Improvement Process. The project uses a survey instrument filled out by frontline staff to identify specific areas of concern. Dr. Sexton then reviews the survey results and provides insights and recommendations for how to address improvement.

Emergency Department Collaborative. As a member of 网曝门事件 Health, 网曝门事件 Health Tillamook is currently participating in a yearlong collaborative. The goal of the systemwide project is to have superior emergency departments with exceptional results in patient timeliness of care, quality and service. More specifically, the collaborative focuses on patient flow (wait times, door to admit times, processes, etc.), patient satisfaction and the quality of patient care as it relates to the system's already standardized Core Measures (e.g. AMI, pneumonia and other clinical indicators).

Pressure Ulcer Campaign. As part of 网曝门事件 Health, 网曝门事件 Health Tillamook is involved in a systemwide collaborative to reduce pressure ulcers. According to the Agency of Healthcare Research and Quality, the incidence of pressure ulcers among hospital patients increased steadily between 1993 and 2006. The goal of 网曝门事件 Health's Pressure Ulcer Campaign is to facilitate an interdisciplinary approach to maintaining skin integrity and managing skin breakdown, and improve clinical outcomes in this area. To date, the system has significant progress toward identifying best practices to reduce hospital-acquired pressure ulcers.

Hand Hygiene Campaign. What if 15 seconds could save a life? 网曝门事件 Health's Hand Hygiene Campaign aims to increase awareness among staff, physicians, visitors and patients regarding the significance of hand washing and the use of alcohol-based hand sanitizers. With the goal of expressing the importance of good hand hygiene as a prevention for the spread of disease, 网曝门事件 Health Tillamook displays campaign posters throughout the hospital and laminated cards at hand washing sinks to remind clinicians and others interacting with patients to frequently clean their hands. 网曝门事件 Health Tillamook continually monitors hand hygiene practices.
