womens health

Bone Health

It is natural for bones to weaken with age. As people grow older, bones can become more brittle and porous as their mineral content is reduced. Such problems can be symptoms of osteoporosis and will not be noticeable until a minor bump results in a fracture or some other significant injury.

At ÍøÆØÃÅʼþ Health Ukiah Valley, our team of bone health experts can help you prolong the strength of your body’s frame. We provide advanced testing and perform modern treatments to keep you feeling strong.

Osteoporosis after menopause

In many cases, osteoporosis can be directly linked to menopause. This is because the female body produces less and less new bone following its period of fertility, resulting in bones that no longer grow stronger. Treating these mineral deficiencies often requires exercise and mineral supplements.

Why preserving bone strength is important

Bone is living tissue that provides shape and support for the body, as well as protection for some organs. It also serves as a storage site for minerals and provides the medium — bone marrow — for the development and storage of blood cells.

Because the functions of bone are numerous and complex, there are many bone disorders that require clinical care by a physician or other healthcare professional. These conditions include benign (noncancerous) disorders, cancers that occur in bone and cancers that affect bone.