guest services

Patient Safety

Keeping our patients safe and secure is our top priority. Here are some things you can do to help ensure you get safe and effective care:

  • Learn about your diagnosis, medical tests that are ordered and your treatment plan. Resources include the nursing staff and/or your physician, the library, respected websites and support groups.
  • Communicate information about your health as accurately and concisely as possible. Write down questions and important information to discuss.
  • Expect health care workers to introduce themselves when they enter your room and look for their identification badges. If you are unsure, ask.
  • Ask questions if you have concerns or if you have been given information you don't understand.
  • During your hospitalization, make sure your nurse or doctor checks your wristband or asks your name before administering medication or treatment. Ask if you are expecting a medication or treatment and you don't receive it.
  • Notice whether your caregivers have washed their hands. Hand washing is the most important way to prevent spreading infections. Don't be afraid to ask a doctor or nurse to wash his or her hands before caring for you.
  • Ask a family member or friend to be your advocate. This person:
    • ​​Should understand your preferences for care and if you have an advanced directive or other legal document stating your wishes.
    • Can help you get information to speak up for you if you cannot do so.
    • May function as a liaison between your physician and your family/friends to facilitate communication.

Infection Control For Patients

  • ÍøÆØÃÅʼþ Health White Memorial cares about preventing and controlling infections in our patients. The following are some ways you, as a patient, can help in avoiding the spread of germs and help keep yourself healthy:
  • Washing your hands with soap and water or disinfecting with alcohol gel is the best way to prevent the transmission of germs that can cause infection.
  • Ask your family members/visitors or nursing-care providers to help wash your hands when they are soiled.
  • Use the towelettes provided to you with your dietary plate to clean your hands before and after you eat.
  • Cover your mouth or nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze. Tissues are available to you, just ask your nursing-care provider.
  • Avoid touching any open wounds. Wounds provide for easy entry of germs into our bodies, causing infection.

Participating in your care by taking these steps can help minimize the risk of obtaining an infection. For more information, contact Infection Control at (323) 307-8908.