physical rehabilitation services

Outpatient Adult Physical Rehabilitation


Physical Therapy

Our physical therapists work with you to help you understand your body so that you can achieve the maximum long-term health benefits. The therapist also works closely with you and your physician to develop a plan of care using a variety of treatment techniques to help you:

  • Improve mobility
  • Restore function
  • Reduce pain
  • Prevent disability
  • Prevent loss of mobility and motion

Occupational Therapy

​Our occupational therapists help you achieve independence in daily tasks, such as self-care and work activities. Some occupational therapy programs include:

  • Activities of daily living (ADLs) training (like dressing, feeding, grooming)
  • Functional transfer training (like moving from a seated to a standing position to use the toilet, shower, and tub)
  • Upper extremity splint fabrication
  • Fine motor coordination and upper extremity function
  • Visual perceptual assessment and retraining
  • Bathroom durable medical equipment assessment and training​

Speech Therapy

Our Speech-Language Pathologist are specially trained in disorders that impact speech, language, and swallowing, as well as cognitive problems that impact these areas. We work with you and your family to improve problem areas and help you function and communicate better. Some of the issues that require treatment include:​

  • Aphasia and dysarthria: Loss of speech or language abilities after neurological damage such as stroke, head injury and brain tumors
  • Articulation disorders: Difficulty forming the sounds necessary to speak clearly
  • Voice disorders: Difficulties with pitch, voice quality (such as hoarseness, nasality, and breathiness) or loudness of the voice
  • Cognitive and communication deficits: Difficulties with memory, attention, information processing or thought organization as the result of stroke, head injury or brain tumors
  • Dysphagia: Swallowing problems due to brain damage, neuromuscular disease, head injury or neck surgery​

Rehabilitation Specialties and Diagnosis

  • Stroke
  • Brain Tumors
  • Traumatic Brain Injury
  • Spinal Cord Injury
  • Neuromuscular Disorders
  • Parkinson’s Disease
  • Aneurysms
  • Anoxia/Hypoxia
  • Orthopedic Injuries
  • Pelvic Floor Dysfunction
  • Carpal Tunnel and Arthritis
  • Lymphedema
  • Vestibular Dysfunction

ÍøÆØÃÅʼþ Health White Memorial offers a wide range of inpatient, outpatient and pediatric physical rehabilitation services. To contact our Physical Rehabilitation Department directly,
call (323) 260-5836. If you need a physician or specialist for any reason, please contact our Physician Referral number at (323) 265-5050.