

Language Access and Translation

Interpretive Services

网曝门事件 Health provides foreign and sign language interpreters and phone calling services to help when you:

  • Make medical appointments for or visit with an 网曝门事件 Health Portland provider or hospital service like imaging, surgery or physical therapy.
  • Have medical tests at our hospital or clinics.
  • Talk with providers and staff anywhere in our hospital or clinics.
  • Are visited in your home by 网曝门事件 Health Portland staff.

If you need interpreter services, ask your nurse or call one of the following:

  • Deaf Patient Services voice line, extension 6164.
  • Deaf Patient Services TTY, extension 6300.
  • Foreign Language Services, extension 6137.

Download our Interpretive Services Policy.

If you speak a common foreign language, language assistance services are available to you free of charge. Call 1-971-673-1222 (TTY: 1-971-673-1222).

Espa?ol (Spanish): ATENCI?N: si habla espa?ol, tiene a su disposición servicios gratuitos de asistencia lingüística. Llame al 1-971-673-1222 (TTY: 1-971-673-1222).

Ti?ng Vi?t Vietnamese: CH? ?: N?u b?n nói Ti?ng Vi?t, có các d?ch v? h? tr? ng?n ng? mi?n phí dành cho b?n. G?i s? 1-971-673-1222 (TTY: 1-971-673-1222).

繁体中文(Chinese): 注意:如果您使用繁体中文,您可以免費獲得語言援助服務。請致電 1-971-673-1222(罢罢驰: 1-971-673-1222)。

Русский (Russian): ВНИМАНИЕ: Если вы говорите на русском языке, то вам доступны бесплатные услуги перевода. Звоните 1- 971-673-1222 (телетайп: 1-971-673-1222).

???(Korean): ??: ???? ????? ??, ?? ?? ???? ??? ???? ? ????. 1-971-673-1222 (TTY: 1-971-673-1222)??? ??? ????.

Укра?нська (Ukrainian) УВАГА! Якщо ви розмовля?те укра?нською мовою, ви можете звернутися до безкоштовно? служби мовно? п?дтримки. Телефонуйте за номером 1-971-673-1222 (телетайп: 1-971-673-1222).

日本语(Japanese): 注意事項:日本语を話される場合、無料の言語支援をご利用いただけます。1-971-673-1222(罢罢驰:1-971-673-1222)まで、お电话にてご连络ください。

???????(Arabic): ??? 1-971-673-1222 ??????: ??? ??? ????? ???? ?????? ??? ????? ???????? ??????? ?????? ?? ???????. ???? ???? . (TTY: 971-673-1222)- ???? ???? ??????:

Rom?n? (Romanian) ATEN?IE: Dac? vorbi?i limba rom?n?, v? stau la dispozi?ie servicii de asisten?? lingvistic?, gratuit. Suna?i la 1-971-673-1222 (TTY: 1-971-673-1222).

?????(Cambodian): ????????? ???????????????? ?????????, ?????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????? ??? ???????? 1-971-673-1222 (TTY: 1-971-673-1222)?

Cushite/Oroomiffa (Oromo) XIYYEEFFANNAA: Afaan dubbattu Oroomiffa, tajaajila gargaarsa afaanii, kanfaltiidhaan ala, ni argama. Bilbilaa 1-971-673-1222 (TTY: 1-971-673-1222).

Deutsch (German) ACHTUNG: Wenn Sie Deutsch sprechen, stehen Ihnen kostenlos sprachliche Hilfsdienstleistungen zur Verfügung. Rufnummer: 1-971-673-1222 (TTY: 1-971-673-1222).

????? Persian (Farsi) ????: ??? ?? ???? ????? ????? ?? ????? ??????? ????? ????? ?????? ???? ??? 971-673-1222 (TTY: 1-971-673-1222) ????? ?? ????. ?? ???? ??????.

Fran?ais (French) ATTENTION: Si vous parlez fran?ais, des services d'aide linguistique vous sont proposés gratuitement. Appelez le 1-971-673-1222 (TTY: 1-971-673-1222).

???????(Thai) ?????: ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ??? 1-971-673-1222 (TTY: 1-971-673-1222).